Sunday, May 03, 2009

Are my words God's?

II Samuel 23:2
The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, and His word was
on my tongue.

Studying King David would be an incredible study. The Bible refers to David as "a man after God's own heart." I hope that at the end of my life I can say that I pursued God and my heart was likeminded to that of Christ's. I have to confess that as I look over my life, and even over the past few months I am not able to say that. But here we have a man of God writing to us and telling us the secret of his life.

David begins in verse two by writing and saying that He allowed the "Spirit of the Lord" to speak through him. God used David to write most of the Psalms we find comfort in today. The tongue can be the most encouraging or the most spiteful member of our body. I can either allow God to use my tongue to be a blessing to others through my speech or I can take control of it. Typically if I am in control of my tongue, my words are not what I want them to be. My words become muddled and occasionally quite hurtful to others.

Verse 3 continues on and tells us the secret of David's rule -- "Ruling in the fear of God." David feared God. He respected God, desired God's opinion, and was fearful of the consequences disobedience brought. Remember David's response when Nathan confronted David with his sin? David fell down in repentance. Yes he mourned his son while his son was dying, but he did not fight God. He accepted the punishment for his sin. I also must have that same respect of God. I may not have a kingdom to rule, but I do have to rule over my body, and I have to rule over my children (notice I do NOT have rule over my husband -- In fact, my husband is to rule over me). I must ensure that every thing I do and every word I speak demonstrates an awe and respect for my God -- He is my creator. I am not better than my creator, so I must honor Him.

While I do not live in fear that God is going to strike me down with a bolt of lightening, or have me run over by a car when I disobey Him, I must recognize that I will be judged for my sin, therefore I must keep my sin account with God short. Consider this: You go to the store to buy some groceries, and you discover you left all forms of payment at home. The store graciously allows you to take out a line of credit and be able to take your groceries home. If you continue to do this without repaying what you owe, the store will eventually cut off your credit. However, if you pay them back the next time you enter the store, they will allow you to continue to shop there.

Similarly, I must keep a short sin account with God. When I sin, I must confess and repent of that sin immediately when it is brought to my mind, and then I must avoid falling into the trap again. I am not saying that we can keep committing sin and confessing and not be judged. If you think I am saying that then you do not understand the definition of repent. Repent means to turn completely away from. When you repent of a sin, that means you refuse to commit that sin again. We are not to intentionally choose to sin.

I must do the same with my words. If I allow hurtful and unedifying words to exit my mouth then I must repent of my speech. I must refuse to speak those things -- even to someone else (that would be gossip). I must then turn over my mouth to the Lord and allow Him to guide my speech so that it encourages those around me and directs their focus upon the one true God.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt,
that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Colossians 4:6

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