Some other praises include Vacation Bible School is coming together. Some good friends of us even volunteered their family to do the puppets.
Another exciting praise last night, JA was moving our car over into the church parking lot so that it would appear that we have service (most people show up right at the start of service or a bit late, so we decided to park our car in the parking lot so people wouldn't drive by and assume we are not having services). Anyways, Our car only made it out of the driveway. However, after church several of the men came by to try to fix the problem, and a neighbor man came by and spent quite a bit of time visiting with the church people. This is a praise not because of the car breaking down, but the fellowship with our neighbor as a result of the breakdown.
God has been working mightely in our lives, and we are excited as He is DAILY showering us with blessings and strength and continuously conforming us to the image of His son Jesus Christ.
Just a side note: Please be praying for Ezekiel this morning and tomorrow morning. This morning he has a sonogram on his bladder and tomorrow morning he has a more invasive x-ray in another city. Thank you for your prayers.
Update 6/29/09 10:53 a.m. Ezekiel did very well on his sonogram today, and Penny explained in a little bit more detail what Ezekiel will go through tomorrow. They will be sticking a catheter in him and filling his bladder with dye and watching to see if it backs up into his kidneys. I'll give you another update after the test tomorrow and when I've heard the results. Thank you for your prayers!