Saturday, July 26, 2008

Cloth Diapering Update

I want to thank Carrie, Alicia, and Tricia for their comments and recommendations for cloth diapering.

Last week after reading their comments I took Alicia's advice and checked out what e-bay had to offer. I also looked into the articles Carrie suggest about cloth diapering a newborn. The result was that I was able to purchase every thing I need for Baby and some overnight diapering supplies for Andy for under $45. Here is what I purchased.

Six small waterproof diaper covers you just slip the flat folds into and fasten like you would a regular diaper.

Twelve overnight super absorbant diaper doublers to help with overnight diapering.
Certainly more than I need, but it was a great price. I can use these w/ the Bum Genius diapers.

Twelve newborn size (6-12 pounds) vinyl pants to cover the flat folds and twelve size small (14 - 20 pounds) vinyl pants .Four Snappi's. This purchase was certainly not a necessity since I do have four diaper pins. However, I read several reviews of this product and almost all of them were positive. So, JA and I thought we would give them a try since I'm not to fond of the idea of pinning a newborn. Although we ordered the small size, they even work great on the flatfolds for Andy's size. I definitely like these better than the typical diaper pins. They are much easier to use and do a fantastic job holding the diaper closed. In fact, my husband was able to figure them out right away and has even been using the flat fold diapers more than the bum genius lately.
You may be wondering how we plan to diaper since we didn't purchase any more flat folds. About three months ago a good friend of mine gave me about 30 - 40 flatfold diapers. The diapers were in fantastic shape and hardly used.

If I would have purchased all of these supplies at retail I would have paid $114 plus shipping. Instead I paid a total of $46.85. Since I bought all of the diapering supplies from one seller (the snappies were a different seller, but shipping on them was only $1), I was able to combine shipping costs and save an extra $24 in shipping.


Carrie said...

Tracy, I'm so impressed with your diapering deals!! I hope all the stuff will work out great for the new baby. I was curious what Ebay seller/store you got the stuff from? I might be interested in getting some of those doublers to use with the BGs at night.

Not too much longer till baby Hall is here! Hope you are feeling well and getting enough rest. Take care!

CanCan said...

Awesome! Those Snappis will last you for ever. I have some from my first born and he is almost 4.
Here are my cloth diapering posts: