Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Girls Will Be Girls

This past weekend, the girls and I were having a lot of fun. We had a tea party on Saturday and on Sunday before church we just took a bunch of different pictures together. Here are my favorites.

This is typical Kara -- hamming it up for the camera.
I think this is the best picture Lydia and I have had taken together.

I think Lydia is going to be my nurturer. She loves babying Andy
Thank you Aunt Gayle for the Boo Boo Doll. Kara burned her finger last week when she was trying to help her daddy. She picked up a drill bit after he set it down. The doll worked wonders.

Saturday the girls got dressed up to have a real tea party. We've started having a tea party every day and we are working on memorizing Psalm 100 together. Kara and Lydia both love it.

Lydia is my little Pris. She loves to wear hats,
scarves, gloves, necklaces, and carry purses.


Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Beautiful pictures! It is always nice to get a picture with your kids. Somehow, mom is usually the one who ends up taking all the pics :)

Unknown said...

Wow, tea parties every day?! Sounds like great fun! Are you aiming to teach them ladylike manners or just playing tea with them?

Tfipps said...

Very cute pictures...especially the one with Lydia kissing Andy. I can't believe how much hair she has. Poor Madeline...I didn't have the heart to show her the pictures:). No, fortunately, Madeline is still oblivious to her obvious lack of hair!

carissa said...

adorable girls!! You're such a great mom. Have a great Wednesday. I hope you're not in the nursery :) It's so cold here tonight. We miss you around here!! Hope to catch up soon.

robertlhall said...

so worms and tea parties??

Anonymous said...

Notice: worms are not invited to tea.


juliechall said...

I can't wait to see you guys - especially the kids :) They are so cute and getting so big.

Love you! - Julie

Momto5 RachelJoy Photography said...

aww. what cuties.
