The Well-Trained Mind is a book that can give every parent the confidence to know he/she is capable of homeschooling. This book also gives you many (and I mean many) tips and resources to begin using.
Phonics Pathways This is the book I am using to teach Kara to read. This book includes games and ideas to use to help teach your child to read. It is geared towards helping older children learn how to read, but since Kara already knows her letters and sounds (thanks to Leap Frogs Letter Factory DVD), she is ready to begin learning to read.
Here is our typical 1 Hour of preschool each day -- we have "school" after lunch when Andy and Lydia are down for their naps.
1:00 -- practice her violin -- Kara is beginning Suzuki Violin 1 -- a teenager in the church is giving her lessons. Right now until we officially start lessons, Kara is naming the parts of the violin and listening to the Suzuki 1 CD
1:20 -- we play reading games and work on the lesson in Phonics Pathways.
1:40 -- We read a Bible Story together and I ask her questions about previous stories and the current story for the day.
After the Bible story I'll read her a book of her choice.
Occasionally we work on writing, but I'm not pushing her very much in this area because I don't want to spend more than 1 hour a day on school. When she works on writing though, I write out all of the vowels several times on writing paper. Then, I give her a gel pen (there is something special about being able to use a pen to trace b/c she's usually not allowed to touch pens) and she can trace the vowels.
Hope this gives you some good ideas! If anyone else has good ideas on how to teach preschoolers to use scissors, or other things we should be working on, please let me know.
For today, I wanted to tell everyone about a homeschooling giveaway that's going on over at HsKubes' Haven at Home blog.
I've heard many recommendations on the well-trained mind book. I'll definitely be reading that before we dive into formal schooling.
We're a year behind you yet, so I don't have any advice. Keep up the good work! I think keeping the teaching time down to an hour is a wise decision. That will keep her interested but not frustrate or bore her. Keep us posted on how it's going!
I love how she is already taking violin lessons. I have considered Suzuki method before (a few times). What a blessing to have a teen in the church to give her lessons.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for participating in our giveaway. ;o)
~ Christina
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