Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bowling with the Kids

We ventured out as a family in the midst of our sickly affliction to have a family activity. We went bowling, and we had a wonderful time. I've been leery about taking the children bowling because I didn't think they would enjoy it. Well, thanks to Tony's Pizza we enjoyed a free game of bowling and only had to pay 11 for shoe rental (would have been cheaper, but I neglected to place my bowling ball and shoes in the van).

Let me clarify, I do not recommend taking sick children bowling. I honestly thought that they were doing better. Andy and Ezekiel were not very happy or excited to be bowling instead of enjoying a nice long afternoon nap.

Kara loved bowling -- she took second place, Lydia took third place, and Andy took fourth place. I will let you guess at who took first and last place (unless you have already seen the pictures on facebook).

Thank you Tony's Pizza, we will certainly be buying more of your pizza's and enjoying some more free games of bowling this year (when the kids are ALL healthy).

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