Thursday, January 04, 2007

Potty Trained????

I have been trying to get Kara potty trained since she was about 18 months old. Two months ago after a intense time of trying to force her, I gave up and decided to let her set her own timing. Yesterday just out of the blue she came up to me and told me she had to go potty. After she went potty I asked her if she wanted her diaper back on or her new Curious George underwear (Christmas present). She choose the underwear. She stayed clean and dry all day yesterday, and all day tonight. Her pull-up was even dry when she woke up this morning. The question on my mind now is, has she finally decided to be a big girl, or is she going to wake up in a day or two and decide to be a baby again. (Previously when we were potty training she would tell me she was a baby). I guess only time will tell.


Anonymous said...

I would just put her in underwear and if she wets there will come a point she will not like it. Also take her every 45 min to 1hr I know it may seem crazy but it really works.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tracy this is Tammy Larson,. Love the Blog. Hey by the way do you know were the Laws are know if you do could you email me

Jenny said...

That is a BEAUTIFUL picture!!! All the best for potty training!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the picture of your little lady! We are praying for ANdy and the upcoming surgery. No going back Kara you are a big girl now! I remember buying Elaines First Big Girl pants. She whined because she wanted Bob the Builder not the Princess ones. (they only make BOB's for Boy though) Crazy! B REES