This past Sunday was Old Fashioned Sunday at dad's church. The day began with and outdoor Sunday School class followed by the morning service. The morning service was exciting as we also had a baby dedication and two baptismals.
Here is a picture of one of the baptisms.
Kara did a wonderful job of sitting through the morning service. JA had to take her out right at the very end, but otherwise she did great. Kara was paying attention to the beginning of the sermon. At one point dad was talking about not bursting someone's bubble, and Kara yells out
I blow bubbles too! A few minutes later dad said someing about being like someone and Kara yells out I be like that! And then, dad said no regarding something and Kara yells out No No! Normally I would have tried to quite her down from talking during the service; but since she was responding to what she was hearing in the service, I was excited that she was listening.
After the morning service, we had a picnic dinner with hamburger's, hotdogs, beans, and potatoe salad. The best part of the dinner was the great variety of homemade pies that everyone brought. Following the dinner and a short time of fellowship, they began a time of games for the kids.

The games entailed bobbing for apples (above is a picture of my brother Timmy [red shirt] bobbing for apples -- he was excited when he finally got one), a turtle race [Timmy's turtle hid in his shell during the race, so unfortunately he didn't win]. I spent all of last week watching the roads for a turtle, but the only one I can confidently say I saw was probably a big snapper -- something I didn't want to mess with to show Kara. They also had a hobby horse race as seen in the picture below.

Kara was okay with lining up for the race; but once the kids started running, Kara stood stock still and refused to race her horse.
After the kids games, the adults participated in an egg toss. Since I was taking pictures, Timmy was JA's partner in the egg toss. JA and Timmy's last toss was from Timmy. Timmy was too far away to continue tossing underhand so he threw hard overhand. The egg hit JA's watch and splattered all over his pants and shirt. As humerous as it was at the time, the smell was disgusting at the end of the day. Sunday night I think I laid in bed all night smelling rotten egg.
Kara and Elizabeth got a little tired in the afternoon, and mom was able to catch this shot of them trying to take a nap. Kara has become quite attached to her Aunt Beth.
I apologize for the long delay in posting. We spent last week trying to recoop from our drive back from Canada.
Some praises:1. We now have medical coverage for the baby's birth!2. I have already met my new doctor. 3. I measured at 36 weeks (hopefully that means my due date is wrong and not that I just happen to have a big baby4. The girls absolutely love living with their Oma, Opa, Aunt Beth, and Timmy.5. Wonderful parents who are willing to let us stay with them while we are in transition.Some prayer requests:1. That the Lord will allow us to serve in a church soon (JA will be talking with a pastor next week).2. That if it's not the Lord's will for JA to do ministry full time as an occupation, that JA will find the right job and we can get an apartment/house soon.3. The Lord will give us grace and wisdom as we will soon have nine people living in a three bedroom house.